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What is the price of br34p?

Today's BR34P price is $33.11, which is down 3% over the last 24 hours. BR34P 's market cap is unknown. 24 hour BR34P volume is $3,462. It has a market cap rank of 6209. BR34P is traded on 2 exchanges, with the top exchanges being PancakeSwap V1 ($3,605) and PancakeSwap V2 ($4.9400). BR34P had an all-time high of $379.99 about 1 year ago.

How many transactions do I need to buy 9 br34p?

You may have to buy br34p in smaller amount instead of a big amount. Eg. To buy 9 br34p, you may need to buy 3 br34p in 3 transactions. Get up to 8% DRIP cashback on your DRIP deposit.

Should I buy drip or br34p first?

You should buy your drip first before buying bR34P. The purpose of holding bR34P token in your wallet is to be eligible for the downline reward in DRIP. The amount of bR34P in your wallet determines the number of levels of your downline you can benefit from.

What's the smart contract address for br34p?

What's the smart contract address for BR34P? BR34P 's smart contract address is 0xa86d305a36cdb815af991834b46ad3d7fbb38523.

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